Sunday Worship at 9:30am with Kidzone
Everyone is welcome to our regular Sunday services which vary in style but usually follow a traditional Presbyterian format. We enjoy a mix of old and more contemporary music. Children join in the first part of the service (or for Communion on the second Sunday) before they move to the Kidzone worship in the north lounge (see Family) . We value preaching and teaching that is thoughtful and often challenging as we seek to interpret the Bible and discern the leading of God’s Spirit.
Usually each month we celebrate communion on the second Sunday, our choir sings on the third Sunday and our lively band leads the music on the fourth Sunday.
All can join for morning tea and conversation after the service.
Wednesday Worship at 11:30am with lunch
We are in recess until further notice.
Contact: David Sang-Joon Kim (Rev.), Ph 358 5443

Easter Services
Good Friday 9:30am
Easter Sunday 9:30am
– with Communion
Christmas Services
10th December 9:30am
Carol Service (Choral)
24th December 9:30am
Christmas Eve Service
25th December 9:30am
Christmas Day Service
Services in Senior Care Centres
The St Mark’s minister is happy to meet with you to discuss a Christian wedding service. He will listen to your wishes and work with you to plan a service that is meaningful to you. Please refer to the Facilities we have available and contact us.
Church office, Ph 358 5443
Baptisms and Child Blessings
One of the great thrills in life is welcoming the gift of a child. For many this is a time when we naturally want to reach out to something beyond us. We want to recognise the gift of life before God.
In Christian baptism God proclaims unconditional love for the child. Symbolically anything that might stand between the child and God is washed away. This ceremony is a reminder to us all of God’s gracious love and is called a Sacrament. We celebrate baptisms within our normal weekly worship.
Parents wanting to have their child baptised should make an appointment to meet with our minister who will guide them through the process.
Parents will be expected to publicly affirm their faith and their commitment to bringing their child up to know Jesus, be an active participant within the church family and to encourage their child to confirm their baptism by publicly affirming their own faith and trust in God.
Child Blessings
Sometimes parents want to acknowledge the gift of their child before God, but do not wish to consider baptism for their child. The minister at St Mark’s is very happy to meet with you and arrange a special service of thanksgiving and blessing for your special gift.
Adult Baptism
We practise both child and adult baptism at St Mark’s. Adults seeking baptism will normally meet with the minister or attend a course that teaches the basics of our faith.
Canterbury Chinese Christian Church
Canterbury Chinese Christian Church is a congregation of people from the Chinese community in Christchurch that gathers to worship God, to learn more about His words, and to share His love with the people in the community. Everyone is welcome.
The Sunday Service is held at 2pm at St Mark’s Presbyterian Church, 150 Withells Road, Avonhead. Youth Groups are on Saturday night at 7:30pm in the same venue. Our Youth Adult groups, as well as cell groups for all ages, are based in individual family homes. Please feel free to make enquiries, or simply come on a Sunday to join us.
Pastor Daniel Wu, phone 342 3998, or email: cccc@xtra.co.nz