Petersgate Counselling Centre

Alongside five other churches in northwest Christchurch we support a professional counselling service called Petersgate.

About 20 counsellors offer professional support especially to those who cannot afford counselling at normal commercial rates. Further, about 20 office volunteers welcome clients and help with administrative tasks. These volunteers are mostly from the supporting parishes.

“We respect and look after the needs of everyone regardless of creed, culture or socio-economic background.”

Contact Petersgate: Ph 343 3391 or email

Location of Petersgate: 29 Yaldhurst Road, near Church Corner.

There is also a group of individual supporters called the “Friends of Petersgate” who donate regularly. If you would like to join them or become a volunteer, contact Petersgate via the above phone or email. There is at least an annual appeal / communication with the Friends and sometimes Petersgate has functions for Friends. Brochures about the Friends scheme are available in the St Mark’s church foyer.

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